Art and the Gardens, Summer Youth Academic and Enrichment Program 2017

Compensation: $15 per hour, not to exceed a total of $5,070

The Rev. Linnette C. Williamson Memorial Park Association, Inc., a nonsectarian, nonprofit organization providing services to children and families in Central Harlem, NYC, is seeking a YOUTH GROUP LEADER for its youth enrichment program, Arts and the Garden. The program serves 20-25 children ages 5-11 for seven weeks during the summer.

Arts and the Garden operates seven hours per day five days a week, providing instruction and activities in art, horticulture and environmental education with an emphasis on the improvement of basic literacy, STEAM, and life skills. Most activities take place in our three vest-pocket parks and gardens and open-space playground on West 128th and 129th Streets. Field trips are a critical part of the program. 

The Youth Group Leader works under the supervision of the Program Director.

Duties include:

  • Assisting with the overall operations of the program
  • Lesson planning and enthusiastic teaching in a fun and respectful learning environment
  • Field trip supervision
  • Other duties as assigned

Education and Experience Requirements:

  • Degree candidate or college graduate preferred
  • Experience and patience with children of varied age and skill levels
  • Computer literacy
  • Passion for teaching and teamwork

Hours and duration:

  • Three six-hour training days: June 17 and 24, and July 5, 2017
  • Thirty-five eight-hour days, five days a week for seven weeks: Thursday, July 6 to Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How to apply: send resume and cover letter to
Write “YOUTH GROUP LEADER” followed by your first and last name in the subject line.  In your cover letter, please specify if you have skills and experience in which of the following educational enrichment activities that are a part of the curriculum: art, dance, engineering, environmental conservation/stewardship, gardening, music, photography, reading, science, technology (computers), writing, or other area.

Application deadline: April 19, 2017, or until the positions are filled.